Wounded Hearts Trinity Church
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YOU MAY CONTACT US AT dstevenslsw@yahoo.com  with prayer requests, testimonies or anything else you'd care to share.


                                             Pastor Dan




 Building a church for 'wounded hearts.'

Pastor:  Dan Stevens

Located at:
1326 Collingwood Blvd.
Toledo, Ohio 43604


04/22/2009--PLEASE NOTE--

 Due to continued circumstances beyond our control, our email address has changed once again-however, we still are serving and praising the Lord and desire your prayers of support.

Feel free to email me at dstevenslsw@yahoo.com...Please be sure to send me your email and share with me what Christ has done for you. Prayer requests are also very much welcomed on this site.

As always...

Our Church is an independent, non-denominational, New Testament Church. We welcome you to our services every Saturday evening at 6:00 PM.  If you'd like directions to the Church, or have other questions, please email us and we'd be happy to share that information with you. We respectfully request only sincere, serious inquiries.

Email sent to any other email addresses will not be received, thus cannot be answered.

Thank you for visiting our Website.

May God's richest blessings enfold you,

Pastor Dan


Wounded Hearts Trinity Church would like to give thanks to God and to Ascension Lutheran Church for welcoming us into their facility and making their home our home. What a blessing to have the members of Ascension as our Sister Church. ...
God Bless You for blessing us.



Please join us in daily prayer for our growing list of WHTC family and friends who have needs that only God can meet.

Especially remember our First Lady, Sister Sharon Stevens as she battles a debilitating disease. Only God can intervene; and pray with me that it is His Will to heal my dear, dear wife.

Also, please pray for all those who are working their way through the grieving process; that God will comfort and fill the hole left by their loss with His Love, Understanding and Care.

In our own Church Family, please pray for the following who have lost loved ones in the recent past:

Sister Charley Mae Mabrey, Brother Larry Schultz, Sister Sharon A. Stevens, Pastor Dan Stevens, Brother Robert Misamore, Sister Geneva Tribbett and Sister Connie Lance.

Too, please remember a dear Brother in Christ, Rev. Elbert Pitsenbarger who has been diagnosed with cancer and is undergoing treatment. We know that death is just a doorway to forever and while some welcome it, others want as much time in this world as possible. Above all, pray for God's Will in Brother Elbert's life as well as His People everywhere.

 Sister Charley Mabrey has been either hospitalized or in a rehabilation facility since October, 2008. We have greatly missed her presence and joy at our Beloved WHTC. She continues to battle to recover from numerous surgeries. Please pray, first of all, for Our Father's Will in Sister Charley's life; and if it so be, that she return to us in health, happiness and prosperity.

Mother Geneva's brother is extremely ill. Please pray for his healing according to God's Will, and for his salvation.

Also, please pray for Sharon, our First Lady, who continues to battle physical illness. Please also pray for her father, Paul, who has been an invalid for many years; and her brother, Paul, who has been a faithful caregiver for all those years.

 Thank you. Pastor Dan.

I will be updating our "Sermons" page as we've had requests to put sermons on our site. May God bless everyone who reads (and hears) His Word.

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You alone are called the Lord...You alone are the Most High, Supreme over all the earth .

Psalms 83:18


Dear Brothers and Sisters:

Welcome to our website...you're always invited back!

We continue to strive to work for the Lord, and much has happened in and for our Church.
We continue to greive the long illness, and ultimate passing, of the Mother of our Church, Sadie H. Russell. 

Our WebMaster is missing in action; and we pray God will bring her back to us. There is NO doubt in my mind that God has chosen Sister Connie to be the webmaster the website of our Beloved Wounded Hearts Trinity Church. Please pray with us that God will lead her back to us. 

God has blessed us with yet another new Deacon Larry Schultz, for whom we are grateful; and who works tirelessly for God and His Church.

We appreciate all the folks who have visited our site, and hope you will return frequently as we attempt to improve and update it.

We ask that you pray that we be blessed with someone to be our Webmaster and take care of our website. We have so much information that we'd like to see on the site; but do not have the time or opportunity to get it on.

We ask each of you to pray for our Church and every member. We seek God's will and to be led by the power of the Holy Ghost. God knows our needs and the desire of our hearts to have our own facility. We believe that in His time, and in His Will, that will happen. We covet your prayers for this band of "wounded hearts" who are trying to serve the Master.

Come visit us again--keep an eye on this page!
God bless you richly, don't forget to sign our Guest Book or send me a personal e-mail.

Of course, you are invited to join us for services as well.

Though a small group of believers, we enjoy our Savior's presence in every service.

Thank you for visiting our site, and may God richly bless you.
Pastor Dan